[수입차] Salesforce(CRM) Specialist

(대리-과장급, 재택근무 병행)


모집부문 및 자격요건

모집부문 담당업무 자격요건 인원


The Salesforce Specialist performs detail-level diagnoses, troubleshooting, and support of issues for a Application Development environment within the Salesforce platform. The Salesforce Specialist is the bridge between the customer and IT production applications. The position is responsible for managing the Salesforce team’s internal request application site, creating and maintaining internal and external user accounts, and setup of security configuration. This position will also create, design, and maintain advanced reports and dashboards. The Salesforce Support makes recommendations for improving processes and best practices based on analysis; creates and maintains documentation on processes, policies, application configuration, and maintenance of help-related materials for users. The position will lead, organize and clean-up Salesforce org efforts. Works in collaboration with other team

  • Oversees the production support of the Salesforce org and its environments. Troubleshoots and provides solutions to end user issues. Accurately represent the business needs, and effectively communicate them with end users and Salesforce support team.
  • Performs Tier 1 & 2 level product support, communicating with customers verbally and in writing on issues, resolutions and expectations. Serves as the subject matter expert for Salesforce.org and its applications.
  • Creates, modifies, and deactivates user accounts. Maintains assign profile, permission set, group, and queues.
  • Coordinates and monitors the team Salesforce Customer Request and assigns request as needed to other team members.
  • Coordinates with other team members on creating and updating applications user access templates.
  • Creates and maintains Salesforce reports and dashboards. usage. Performs production deployment as needed.
  • Oversees the training of staff prior to the implementation of technical and/or computer systems and offers advice and guidance during the implementation process.
  • Participates in team meetings. Performs other duties as assigned.

Skills - General Skills:

  • Knowledge in Salesforce configuration and support.
  • Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of computer systems or management information systems.
  • Knowledge of applications development, data, security and prioritization.
  • Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies including Agile and Scrum.
  • Skill in using a PC and Microsoft Excel, Visio, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, SharePoint.
  • Skill in problem solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation.
  • Skill in working collaboratively and cooperatively with colleagues and in building consensus.
  • Skill in writing analyses, documentation, proposals, plans, policies, procedures, standards, or reports.
  • Ability to guide technology decisions relative to the Salesforce environment and serve as subject matter expert resource to others.
  • Ability to work independently and deliver results in an environment of broad, consultative management.
  • Ability to plan, organize, schedule, assign, and monitor completion of assigned initiatives.
  • Ability to manage multiple overlapping initiatives.
  • Ability to present information to a variety of audiences, verbally and in writing, and to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively.

[근무부서 및 직급/직책]

    근무부서: ICT
    직급/직책: 대리/과장


Experience and Education:

- Bachelor’s degree with a major in computer science, engineering, or related fields

- 7+ years of working experience in the digital world

- 6 years Salesforce experience ( minimum ) is required

- Fluent English skills [verbal and written]


- Candidates with Salesforce Administrator certification would be preferred

1 명


  • 고용형태: 정규직
  • 근무부서: ICT
  • 인근지하철역: 서울2호선 역삼 (2번 출구에서 100m이내)
  • 급여조건: 연봉 협의 후 결정

전형단계 및 제출서류

  • 전형단계: 서류전형 > 면접진행 > 최종심사 > 최종합격
  • 추가 제출서류
    한글이력서, 영문이력서, 한글자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형 합격자에 한해 추후 제출)
    - 이력서에 현재 연봉 및 희망 연봉 기재 요망
    - 모든 서류는 암호 설정 없이 제출 요망


2025-3-13 (목) 23시59분까지

  • 접수방법: 이메일 *자사 이메일(******@*******.***)로 접수된 이력서를 우선적으로 검토합니다. 해당 이메일로 이력서를 직접 발송해주시기 바랍니다.

  • 접수양식: 자유양식

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